Citizen Awards

Nominations open

The Hobsons Bay Citizen Awards are a chance for us to acknowledge the people in our community who are striving to make a difference and to drive positive change. This could be through community service, sport, arts and culture, environment, health and well-being, business and economic development, and other areas that contribute to improving our city. 

As well as highlighting the excellent work being accomplished by individuals in the community, the awards also give the recipients the opportunity to raise awareness in the community of their interests and vision for the future.

Criteria and eligibility

There are two categories:  

  • Citizen of the Year 
  • Young Citizen of the Year. 

To be eligible, nominees must be Australian citizens who live, work, volunteer or study in Hobsons Bay. Hobsons Bay City Council staff members and Councillors are not eligible to be nominated or to nominate.  

Nominations from previous recipients or nominees of other Council awards are welcome. Previous award winners will not be accepted (unless in exceptional circumstances).  

Nominees for Young Citizen of the Year must be 26 years or younger on 26 January 2025 and nominees for Citizen of the Year must be 27 years or older on 26 January 2025.  

You can only nominate someone else. Self-nominations will not be accepted. 

The award recipients in each category must be willing to undergo a Victoria Police criminal records check (paid for by Council).  

Key dates 

  • Thursday 1 August 2024 – nominations open 
  • Sunday 10 November 2024 – nominations close  
  • January/February 2025 – winners announced

Award criteria and assessment of nominations   

The selection committee will evaluate nominees against the following criteria:   

  • Has the nominee made a significant contribution to Hobsons Bay over this year and /or a number of years?   
  • Has the nominee made a significant contribution to the general community beyond Hobsons Bay over this year and/or number of years?   
  • How much potential does the nominee have to use the award to benefit the community?   
  • To what extent will the city benefit from having this individual as an ambassador for the city?   
  • Does the nominee's cause reflect the priorities of Hobsons Bay?   


Selection committee

The selection committee will comprise of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the most recent recipients of the Hobsons Bay Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year.   

Previous Citizen of the Year winners

2024 -  Lorraine Harrison

2023 - Naserah ‘Nasz’ Khan

2022 - Kate De Marco

2021 - Dr Mukesh Haikerwal AC

2020 - Myly Nguyen

2019 - Dr Marilyn Olliff

2018 - Andy Griffiths

2017 - Ralph Humphries 

2016 - Nancy Winder

2015 - Geoffrey Mitchelmore OAM

2014 - Lesley Ould OAM, George Said and Altona Yacht Club

2013 - Douglas Heywood OAM

2012 - Lions Club of Altona

2012 - Sharon Walsh

2011 - Altona Cricket Club

2011 - Athol England 

2010 - Jovan Kralevski 

2009 - Margaret Rice

2008 - Chev. Joseph Attard

2007 - Bruce McCulloch 

2006 - Chris Pullin

2005 - Helen Deahl 

2004 - Judy Hindle OAM

2003 - Darren Williams and Nigel Edwards 

2002 - Frank Martin

2001 - Giuseppe Inserra 

2000 - Lorraine Bedella 

1999 - Paul Cassar

1998 - Margaret Fyfe

1997 - Lindsay Mason


Previous Young Citizen of the Year winners

2024 - Ada Goldenberg, Emmaline Soliman and Emily Vella

2023 - Mia Boonen

2022 - Tahlia Kotiau 

2021 - Melissa Sheedy 

2020 - Augustine Kadende 

2019 - Layla West

2018 - Abbey Jayde Brown

2017 - Nikolina Mabic

2016 - William John McKenzie

2015 - Hue Man Dang

2014 - Gabrielle Duke

2013 - Oussama Abou-Zeid and Joel Kuperholz

2012- Chelsea Hatherall

2011 - Australian Teens Against Animal Cruelty 

2010 - Rick Kiembe Mwamba 

2009 - Lloyd Knight 

2008 - Fusian Dance Alliance 

2008 - Danny Alsabbagh 

2007 - Paul Tempany

2006 - Chantelle Zei 

2005 - Angelique Petrac 

2004 - Vasilios Gialamas 

2003 - Geraldine Cini

2002- Simon Jackson

2001 - Mark O'Donovan 

2000- Troy Davies 

1998 - Petrina Boylan