Matto Lucas - Impossible Dance (iii)

Laneway 1 (A3638214).jpg


19 January - 27 February


Presented across the four billboards and projection screen were a selection of black and white photographs taken over the last decade documenting queer club performances and spaces. The series, titled after Fiona Buckland's 2002 queer worldbuilding and dance-floor analysis PhD, captured these events, parties and clubs that the artist authentically belongs to that from an outside perspective can be perceived as counter and sub-culture spheres. 

Impossible Dance (iii) is the third iteration of this series of exhibitions of works, each version of this work presents different imagery and is site specifically designed. Concurrent to this exhibition, Impossible Dance (iv) is on display at the Substation billboards, learn more here.

Presented as part of Midsumma 2022.

“These images were captured from within events, parties and clubs in which I authentically belong to, but can be perceived from the outside as counter and sub-culture spheres (such as queer clubs, gay parties, punk and underground events) from across Naarm (Melbourne) including the West. In presenting our community in a public space such as the Laneway Gallery at Woods Street Arts Space, we empower those who have been systematically oppressed and ostracised for decades and celebrate the places and people who authentically occupy that space. In being able to make the ‘private public’ there is a transgression of power and control which aims to erase, exclude and whitewash our identities and experiences. The works also invite others to enter, be included and celebrate a sub-culture that they may not have had an entry point to do so previously.’’ - Matto Lucas

Matto Lucas is an Australian, Naarm-based artist, photographer, creator and art facilitator working within mixed and digital media, with a preference for photography and performance. In 2013, Lucas was awarded a Lifetime Membership to Midsumma for his continuous work and commitment as a visual artist within the LGBTQI community. Lucas currently lectures Visual Media & Design at the Australian Institute of Music Melbourne, is the creator and operator of Melbourne Art Review and co-host of Drinking With The Artist Podcast.

Laneway Gallery is an outdoor exhibition space at Woods Street Art Space in Laverton. Part of the space’s overall annual programming, this is one of a series of commissioned displays by artists responding to social, historic, or environmental themes. Learn more about Laneway Gallery.

If you have questions about the work, please contact the Arts team at