Sarah Allen – Beaks of the Bay

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1 November to 30 December 

The Beaks of the Bay exhibition showcased illustrations by Sarah Allen. It was comprised of four illustrations of birds local to Hobsons Bay alongside a time-lapse video revealing the creation of the picture book, Busy Beaks.

Hobsons Bay provides significant habitat for birdlife. From resident species to migratory shorebirds, the birdlife of Hobsons Bay is diverse and popular with birdwatchers and locals alike. By showing local birds in contemporary, joyful and colourful illustrations, Beaks of the Bay evoked a sense of place, and raised the profile of species found in Hobsons Bay.


You can also learn more about Sarah Allen's creative work by visiting her website.

Laneway Gallery is an outdoor exhibition space at Woods Street Art Space in Laverton. Part of the space’s overall annual programming, this is one of a series of commissioned displays by artists responding to social, historic, or environmental themes. Learn more about Laneway Gallery.

If you have questions about the work, please contact the Arts team at