Wunder Gym 2023 – Recollection

Artists from Melbourne’s West expand their creative practice and see their local environment from new perspectives. 

Frances Loriente collage artwork


Recollection was a group exhibition by artists from Melbourne’s west who participated in the 2023 Wunder Gym creative development program.

Mentored by renowned artist Elvis Richardson, the artists were prompted to become collectors, editors and curators – using objects, sounds, images and found material from their local environment as creative inspiration.

4 – 22 October

The exhibition was presented across two sites:

The Annex
Wyndham Cultural Centre
177 Watton St, Werribee
Open Wednesdays – Saturdays, 11am – 3pm

Recollection XL
Laneway Gallery

44 Woods Street, Laverton
Open 24 hours (façade of Woods Street Arts Space)


About the program

Wunder Gym is a unique professional development program presented annually as part of Council’s Creative Exchange Lab program, in partnership with Wyndham City Council. Participants are supported to extend their creative practice, engage with new audiences and connect with a broad network of practicing artists.

Wunder Gym is founded and facilitated by Annette Wagner

Laneway Gallery is a multi-venue exhibition space consisting of four billboards and a projection site at Woods Street Art Space in Laverton and five artboards at the Civic Centre in Altona.  




Image: Frances Loriente 2023 (detail)