Organising an Event

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Hobsons Bay has many unique outdoor locations suitable for holding many different types of festivals and events.

If you are planning to hold an outdoor public event on public land, you will need an event permit. 

Completing the event expression of interest (EOI) form is the first step in applying for a permit. Please provide as much information as possible including site maps and draft event plan, to allow the events team to properly assess your event proposal.

The assessment process to obtain the permit will vary depending on the type of event you are planning. Please note the event EOI notification timelines outlined below:

Event Permit Application Notification

Event type 

Event parameters

Application notice

Level 1

(High impact)

Multiple days, road closures and event sites.

Public transport impacts.

More infrastructure, including amusement rides and inflatables.

Food, beverage and other trading.

Attendance >3,000 pax.

Example: Circus, parades, large sporting, music and cultural events.

6 to 12 months

Level 2

(Medium impact)

Some changes to road conditions and public transport disruptions.

Some infrastructure - marquees and amusements rides.

Food and beverage trading. 

Attendance up to 3,000 pax.

Example: Small fun runs, sporting events and cultural celebrations/festivals.

3 to 6+ months

Level 3

(Low impact)

Single location.

Minimal infrastructure, ie. signage.

No road or public transport impacts.

No food and beverage or trading. 

Attendance <500 pax.

Example: Small charity events, group gatherings.

Minimum 2 months

You can also now submit an application in our new portal, which we're currently beta testing. To give it a try, visit My Hobsons Bay Hub. 

Event expression of interest form

Event Planning Guides

A series of event planning guides and templates are available to help event organisers develop an event and risk management plan. The guides also provide information to help plan and deliver safe events that meet the requirements of Council, emergency services and other regulatory authorities.

Part OneA Guide to Holding an Event provides information on the steps involved in applying for an event permit. It also includes information on permissions and notifications that might be needed from other authorities.

Part TwoDeveloping an Event Plan outlines how to provide the information needed in an event plan, which may be needed to get an event permit. 

Part ThreeRisk Safety and Emergency Management helps event organisers identify, manage and record the risks associated with an event and includes sample templates.

There are also templates available in the table below. 

Safe and Healthy Crowded Places

It is recommended that event organisers review their risk management in line with the Federal Government’s Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism document, available at the National Security website.

Event organisers should complete the Crowded Places Security Audit and Crowded Places Self-Assessment Tool, as it will help determine the need for Victoria Police guidance in planning your event. 

For further information on holding an event, please contact the Events Unit on 1300 179 944 or via email:


Event, Risk and Emergency Plan Templates

These templates were created to help event organisers plan and deliver safe events that meet the requirements of Council, emergency services and other regulatory authorities.

*There are examples provided as guides that you can removed if not relevant.

Event Management Plan template(DOCX, 77KB)

Risk Management Plan template(DOCX, 158KB)

Emergency Management Plan template(DOCX, 324KB)




What other permits would I need to apply for?

Additional permits, approvals and notifications may be required from a variety of regulatory authorities and emergency services. Applications need to be made directly to these organisations. Below are a few examples of common approvals required, however there is a more comprehensive list in the Event Planning Guide.

  • Ambulance Victoria
  • FoodTrader
  • Parks Victoria
  • Public Transport Victoria
  • VicRoads

What fees will I be paying?

A variety of fees apply for conducting events in Hobsons Bay, including a bond for use of Council's parks, reserves and open space.

Event Permit: Level 1 - $640.00

Event Permit: Level 2 - $335.00

Event Permit: Level 3 - $175.00

Bond payment - Outdoor event - $1,000.00

Bond payment - Circus - $5,000.00
Per performance day - $365.00
Per non-performance day - $275.00

Market permit (per market day) - $665.00

You may also require a Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) Permit which is issued through the Building department. Please refer to the Event Planning Guide for more information.