Citizenship Ceremonies
Congratulations on deciding to become an Australian Citizen.
Dates for 2025
Sunday 26 January 2025 at 10.00am (Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony combined with Citizen of the Year Awards)
Williamstown Town Hall - 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown
Tuesday 20 May 2025 at 7.00pm
Williamstown Town Hall - 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown
Tuesday 22 July 2025 at 7.00pm
Williamstown Town Hall - 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown
Tuesday 21 October 2025 at 7.00pm
Williamstown Town Hall - 104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown
Ceremony details
Candidates are asked to arrive 45 minutes prior to the ceremony for registration.
The ceremony lasts approximately one hour. The Australia Day ceremony is expected to last approximately two hours.
Candidates are welcome to invite guests to the ceremony
Under the Citizenship Act 1948, Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.
Successful applicants are required to attend a citizenship ceremony as the final step of being granted Australian citizenship. At the ceremony, applicants must pledge their allegiance to Australia and its laws. They are then presented with a Certificate of Australian Citizenship. Citizenship ceremonies are conducted by the Mayor of Hobsons Bay.
All applications for Australian citizenship are processed by DoHA. Successful applicants are sent a written invitation by DoHA, advising them of the time, date and location of the ceremony. Invitations are sent approximately four to six months from the date their application is approved.
While Hobsons Bay City Council hosts Australia citizenship ceremonies, Council is unable to provide further information regarding the timing of each applicant's ceremony. Applicants who are unable to attend the ceremony on the nominated date should contact DoHA on 131 880.
Applications for citizenship should be made to DoHA by phoning 131 880 or visiting DoHA's website.
Applicants are advised in writing by DoHA if their application has been successful.
Voting by new citizens
All new citizens over the age of 18 must enrol to vote. This can be completed at the citizenship ceremony and entitles new citizens to vote at Commonwealth, state and council elections.
Voting at elections is compulsory and there are fines for failure to do so without a valid reason.