Support for schools

We offer a variety of programs and services to all schools in Hobsons Bay.

Youth services activities in schools support the health and wellbeing of all students from years 7-12. Targeted interventions are available to support Grade 6 students as they transition to secondary school, and both primary and secondary students at-risk of disengagement (via school focused youth services). 

Resilience Youth survey

What is it?

The resilience survey measures the resilience and wellbeing of Australian students. Developed by Resilient Youth Australia in collaboration with the University of South Australia, the survey is the largest and most comprehensive resilience data-set in Australia.

Participating schools gain vital access to health and wellbeing information about their students. Topics include mental health, identity, physical activity, safety, learning, and relationships.

Who is it for?

Hobsons Bay youth services provides all schools in the municipality with free access to the survey. The survey is available for students from Grade 6 and above.

For secondary schools, it is recommended that all year levels in a school are surveyed.

Where is it provided?

The online survey is designed to be completed within the classroom environment.  

How is it accessed?

The survey can be accessed by students online. Each school is provided with a unique code for their students.

All survey responses are anonymous (name and age are not collected) and all collected data remains non-individualised and non-identifiable.

More information

Youth services is available to support schools to administer the survey to students, analyse the data, and provide opportunities to access programs in response to survey results.

Find out more

School-based programs and activities

What is it?

A range of free school-based activities to promote the health and wellbeing of upper primary and secondary students in Hobsons Bay:

  • Support for student transition (Grade 6 & 7).
  • Campus transitions (secondary school students moving campuses).
  • Public health awareness and education programs (i.e. peer mental health support, safe-partying etc.) Please contact us to discuss the topic and presenting need or opportunity.
  • “Introduction to youth services in Hobsons Bay” presentations at school assemblies, to help young people connect to opportunities outside of the school environment.
  • Lunchtime engagement activities (i.e. special interest groups, recreation activitiesbadge making, mindfulness, game-based activities, FReeZa lunchtime gigs)
  • Attendance/support at school events, including dates of significance (R U OK Day, IDAHOBIT etc.) and community engagement events (school fairs, parent engagement events).

Who is it for?

Most activities are designed for all secondary students (Years 7-12). However, targeted interventions are available to support upper primary students (Grade 6) as they transition to secondary school.

Where is it provided?

School-based activities are delivered by the youth services team at your school (or a location you specify).

How is it accessed?

To make a request for a school-based activity please complete this form. To discuss your needs, contact the schools engagement team on 03 9932 4000 or


School focused youth services

What is it?

School focused youth services can provide direct student interventions with small groups of students, or capacity building for school staff and/or parents to better respond to students who are at a risk of disengagement.

Who is it for?

School focused youth services is for students at risk of disengagement in Years 5 to 12 of government, Catholic and independent schools across both Hobsons Bay and Wyndham.

Where is it provided?

School focused youth services is delivered at your school (or a location you specify).

How is it accessed?

We are funded by the Department of Education to deliver school focused youth services in Hobsons Bay and Wyndham. There is no cost to schools.

Youth mental health counselling and case management

What is it?

We offer the following free services

  • Confidential short-to-medium youth-focused counselling.
  • Short-term youth-focused case management (practical support).

Who is it for?

Both services are available for students aged 12 to 25 years who live, work, or study in Hobsons Bay.

Where is it provided?

Generalist counselling is offered at youth services, located on Level 1 at Newport Community Hub, or can be provided in a safe and confidential space in school.

How is it accessed?

Students can refer themselves to this free service. Referrals can also be made by teachers, parents, or caregivers.  

More Information

To find out more and to make a referral, visit our counselling page.

Hobsons Bay professional networks

What is it?

The Hobsons Bay Youth Network:

  • distributes up to date information about the youth sector at local, state and federal levels 
  • offers opportunities for representatives of programs and organisations to share information about new initiatives in Hobsons Bay
  • provides networking opportunities to create stronger working relationships and build resources for the young people in Melbourne’s west.

Who is it for?

Professionals who provide services for young people in Hobsons Bay are welcome. Current members include schools, community health services, not-for-profit organisations, government departments and agencies.

Where is it provided?

Network meetings are scheduled quarterly throughout the year. Members are invited to join us for meetings and morning tea at Level 1 of Newport Community Hub.

How is it accessed?

 For more information and to register

Make a request

To discuss your needs, contact the schools engagement team on 03 9932 4000 or

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