Bridget's story

Behind This Smile - BRIDGET

I am an overseas qualified Doctor, but after I came to Australia, I realised that I need to improve my English so I chose to study a Diploma of Nursing. During my study the policy changed and people with English as a second language must take an Occupational English Test in order to register. My goal is still to work in the health sector, but there are some barriers for people like me. I only failed the speaking portion of the exam because of my accent. We move different muscles in our mouths; we don’t have certain vowels or pronounce like you. We can come close, but we will always have an accent, just like you. We all come here with education and knowledge to share, we deserve equal opportunity. There needs to be more understanding of different cultures and the value of all human life; the contributions we can make.

I believe that every small effort you make today, affects tomorrow’s outcomes. If you drop water on a rock, persistent with time, the drops can cut through the stone.

 It is very difficult when you are new to a country, courage is needed to continue, and support, strong support and understanding. The encouragement to think positively about your situation can affect your heart; it can give you the strength to overcome the barriers. Persistence and courage can get you through the toughest times. But you need to know that some words can destroy it easily; human sensitivity, even a small action or facial expression can hurt deeply when someone is facing challenges in their life. We are made of flesh not iron. We are all Australians; everyone wants to feel valued, recognised and accepted.  We should always appreciate life, be thankful, enjoy and share life with all cultures. To give love, is a very common human nature.



You can see Bridget's image at Laverton Community Hub, Altona Meadows Library and Williamstown Library