Coastal Corridor Partnership

Port Phillip Bay Ramsar Site by Andrew Morrison

The Coastal Corridor Partnership is a weed control program that focuses efforts in the coastal areas of high conservation significance in Hobsons Bay. The program was funded with support of the Victorian Government to protect native plant and animal species from high-risk weeds across Greater Melbourne.  

Parks Victoria Jawbone Flora and Fauna Reserve, Clare Reushle and Bill McNeill; Bunurong Land Council, Shani Blyth and Andrew Downs; Hobsons Bay City Council, Rosalee Kennedy, Frank Fardell and Adam Kemp.

The Hobsons Bay area has been historically known for its unique maritime heritage and industrial precincts, however, beyond urbanisation and industry, lay some incredibly important areas for biodiversity including, coastal vegetation and mudflats which provide feeding, roosting and nesting areas for critically endangered migratory wading birds and local shorebirds.

Priority target weeds with long lasting habitat altering effects have been identified within this coastal space. Target weed species are spread across and between authority boundaries with primary vectors of spread including wind, animals and water (tide and currents). This Coastal Corridor Partnership grant will provide a platform for land managers in Hobsons Bay and Parks Victoria to collaborate and align works more closely, whilst engaging with Traditional Owners - the Bunurong Land Council and the general community for best practice outcomes. 

Project Partners:

Hobsons Bay City Council
Bunurong Land Council
Parks Victoria - Point Cook Coastal Park
Parks Victoria - Jawbone Flora and Fauna Reserve
Melbourne Water