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To apply for a Personal training/Exercise user group permit you will need the following:
Hobsons Bay offers three options for Personal Training permits to cater for all requirements and these can be applied for anytime of year.
Three months
Six months
Below are all approved parks where training is permitted
To view these on a map click here(PDF, 2MB)
Frequently asked questions about operating personal training or commercial fitness groups on public land within Hobsons Bay.
You will be required to agree to the personal training permit terms and conditions in your application. Review the terms and conditions here(PDF, 464KB).
Personal training permit application
Once your application has been submitted, an officer from the Sport and Recreation team will review your application and send you confirmation of your permit via the email address provided. You will be contacted should there be any queries with your application.
(PDF, 384KB)Personal training permit application(PDF, 384KB)
Once completed email the Personal training permit application form together with all required documents to our Customer Service team
(PDF, 384KB)Download form(PDF, 384KB), print and complete
Deliver in person completed application form together with copies of all documents listed in step 1 to: Altona Civic Centre 115 Civic Pde, Altona
We don't take applications over the phone however we will be able to assist you with the process.
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