Advocacy Priorities

Hobsons Bay is a community abundant with opportunity, as well as plenty of challenges to tackle. It has never been more vital for Council to advocate for investment in infrastructure, programs and services that meet the needs of our community. We're asking the State and Federal Government to commit to the below advocacy priority projects.

What can you do? Your voice matters!

Help us advocate and be heard!

  • Be informed: click below to read about Council’s advocacy priorities and find out more information on each current campaign.
  • Join the conversation: Have your say on upcoming projects, join a local community group, sign petitions, fill out campaign forms, and attend events to show your support on issues that matter to you.
  • Spread the word: Tell your family and friends about issues, like Hobsons Bay City Council on Facebook and Instagram and like, share and comment on issues that matter to you, helping us to raise awareness and advocate for you and the community. 
  • Tell your Local Member: call, email or write a letter to your local State or Federal member directly.


Click on the tiles below to find out more about Council’s advocacy priorities or contact our Advocacy team at to discuss other ways you can get involved.

Council's advocacy work is guided by our Advocacy Strategy 2021-25(PDF, 18MB), which aligns with the values of the Council Plan 2021-25 and the Hobsons Bay 2030 Community Vision. Click on a heading below to find a summary of the project.

Visit our Council Submission webpage to view Council’s current and previous submissions on various advocacy issues.