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The-state-of-the-art, sustainability-focused Wetlands Centre will be a premier destination for immersive teaching and learning from Prep to PhD, leading environmental research facilities, ecotourism and community participation in nature, leading to improved physical and mental health outcomes.
An Australian first in biophilic and community co-design architectural principles, the Wetlands Centre will be located at HD Graham Reserve in Altona Meadows, near internationally recognised Ramsar-listed Cheetham Wetlands and other biodiversity hotspots that contribute significantly to social, cultural, economic and environmental values in Victoria.
The multifunctional centre will include: indoor/outdoor public spaces; classrooms, field studies centre, café, offices, workspaces, connected walking trails, wetlands, boardwalks, interpretive signage, landscaping, seating, nature play areas; and storage.
For more information click the links below:
Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre
Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre - Hobsons Bay