McCormack Park Master Plan

McCormack Park is a beloved community park on Jennings Street in Laverton. It has been a place for residents to relax, exercise, play and skate for years, and its reimaging will provide greater opportunities for the community to connect with each other and nature. The draft master plan has been developed following two stages of community consultation. It takes into consideration what residents already love about the area, and what their needs and wants are for the park in the future.

Master plan features

  • A viewing and climbing tower
  • Water play items
  • Animal sculptures
  • Bush trail,
  • Bridge improvements
  • Socialising hubs,
  • Picnic facility expansion
  • A performance space
  • Multi-sport court
  • Exercise hub
  • Redesigned carpark and pathway improvements

Click the link below to view this project's Participate page and Master Plan.

Please see the attachment below for the latest staging plan for McCormack Park.

2023_08_22-Staging-plan-mccormack-park.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

Latest News

The design works for the McCormack Park play space upgrade is in progress. In keeping with the parkland setting, the new inclusive play space will include several local animal and bird sculptures.

The upgrade will also include water play features in the warmer months incorporated with the sculptural items. The water play items will be button/sensor activated, and have water saving features.

The play space upgrade works are expected to begin in autumn 2025.

Materials stored onsite

We have many construction projects underway across the municipality. As a result, some materials have become available that would be suitable for use for the play space upgrade. For instance, clean soil, basalt boulders and cypress pine posts. By sharing materials between sites, Council can ensure less waste is generated and reduce costs for imported materials. This is not only good for the environment, but also helps achieve a well-balanced and cost-efficient outcome.

Remaining materials will be used in Stage 2 works.

Once all reuse materials are removed from the compound, the fence will be removed, and grass reinstated. We appreciate your patience as we work through the construction phase.

If you have any queries concerning these works, please call Swathy Karki, Senior Project Manager on 1300 179 944.


Below are some photos from the recently completed Stage 1 works:








Jennings Street, Laverton 3028  View Map

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