Railway Avenue, Laverton – Road works (Aviation Road to Merton)

As part of the Council’s capital works and the Blackspot program, we will soon begin road works on Railway Avenue, Laverton, between Aviation Road and Merton Street. These works aim to enhance road safety for both pedestrians and road users and will include road resurfacing and the installation of raised crossings, a pedestrian refuge and modifications to the roundabout, at various locations along Railway Avenue.

The works are expected to begin the week starting 2 January 2025, from the Aviation Road end of Railway Avenue and will progress through to Merton Street over a six-month period, weather permitting. 

Construction works will be carried out from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday.  If construction works are planned outside of these hours, residents in the immediate vicinity will be notified in advance. Every effort will be made to minimise the noise level from construction activities.

Traffic management will be in place at all times during construction hours along with traffic detours, and there may be limited access to properties at some stages of the works

If you have any queries or you would like to provide feedback on the project, please contact us at projects@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au



Railway Ave, Laverton 3028  View Map

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