Bruce Comben Reserve Master Plan
Bruce Comben Reserve is approximately 17ha and located off Central Avenue, Altona Meadows.
The vision for the Bruce Comben Reserve Master Plan is to create a 'community heart' that services the people of Altona Meadows and the west of Hobsons Bay. The reserve will be a place for sport and recreation; aquatics and leisure; early years learning; community gathering; play and adventure and community health and wellbeing.
Western Aquatic Centre and Early Years Centre
Planning the best possible aquatic centre for Hobsons Bay!
This project is a key pillar of the Hobsons Bay Aquatic Strategy and Bruce Comben Reserve Master Plan. It will provide access to an all-weather facility for people of all ages and abilities living in the western end of Hobsons Bay. The Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre will have a strong focus on providing for people living with a disability, particularly those on the autism spectrum.
The concept plan includes an eight-lane 25m pool; learn to swim pool; wellness centre with warm water pool, spa and sauna; aqua play splash pad, leisure water, and toddler pool; gymnasium; change facilities; cafe with indoor and outdoor seating; offices; and carparking. The early years zone will accommodate three and four-year-old kindergarten, and maternal and child health services.
View what we heard during the Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre consultation period: What we heard
- The schematic design has been finalised following several workshops with various Council departments. The plans will now be further developed in the detailed design phase.
- Council has engaged the Cultural Values and Research Unit at the Bunurong Land Council to assist with design, interpretation signage and Cultural Themes identification.
- A Heritage Consultant has been engaged to complete a Cultural Heritage Management Plan with guidance from the Bunurong Land Council.
- Ongoing site visits will be conducted by various subconsultants to complete site investigations.
Final detailed design drawings developed |
November 2023 - March 2024 |
Project cost to be reviewed and finalised |
April 2024
Tender documents prepared |
May - June 2024 |
Southern Open Space
Latest news update: May 2024
The open space works were completed in March 2024 with the space opening on 24 April 2024. The new playground, multicourt refurbished tennis courts and a new car parking area are now open.
Parts of the reserve which are hydroseeded have been closed off for a few months, including the dog park which is closed to let the grass grow.
Project Details
This project will create a vibrant new open space at the south end of the reserve catering to the varied needs of the community, including:
- new playground, multipurpose court and street furniture
- walking and cycling network
- dog off-lead zone
- BBQ and shelter
- public toilet facility
- planting of trees and shrubs throughout the park
- an upgrade and extension of the carpark and new street lighting.
Traffic management will be in place to divert traffic away from the works during excavation and major construction works. Some pedestrian paths may be closed whilst works are being completed. Please seek alternative routes.
If you have any queries concerning these works, please call Swathy Karki, Senior Project Manager, on 1300 179 994
Past Project Updates
June 2023 Works Update Southern Open Space(PDF, 218KB)
July 2023 Works Update Southern Open Space(PDF, 149KB)
Central Avenue, Altona Meadows 3028 View Map
-37.871268893034525, 144.76626618589486
Central Avenue ,
Altona Meadows 3028
Central Avenue ,
Altona Meadows 3028
Bruce Comben Reserve Master Plan
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