Laverton Schools Area Traffic Management Study


Project update 

Work on this project has been completed.

The project delivered:

  • a new raised zebra pedestrian crossing at the Laverton P-12 College
  • two children's crossings upgraded to raised crossings at 70 and 120 Bladin Street
  • six raised pedestrian paths at side streets to support safe walking to school
  • a safer 50 km/h speed limit on Bladin Street
  • new traffic management and parking controls on Burnley Street
  • renewal of some parking controls on Jennings Street
  • renewal of road surface and kerbing on part of Hillman Street.

Laverton Schools Area Traffic Management Study

In 2021, Council received the finalised Laverton Schools Area Traffic Management Study(PDF, 23MB) that provides an issues analysis and proposed interventions to improve the safety and movement of people travelling in the area. The study was informed by the Local Area Movement Plan and Better Places project that included community concerns about travel to and from local schools.

The study proposes several transport safety measures including the installation of raised pedestrian crossings, repairs to footpaths, and the introduction of traffic management and parking controls during school pick-up and drop-off times in some areas.

Council is looking to implement some of the proposals as opportunities arise in line with the regular budgeting and resourcing processes. Local schools will be consulted and letters will be sent to local residents and landowners asking for feedback for projects to which they are directly affected.

The full documentation is available here: