Hudsons Road Spotswood Streetscape Master Plan
The Hudsons Road Streetscape Master Plan report has been prepared by the City Design team and consultants. This is an overarching document proposing a vision for future streetscape improvement works. Community engagement to date has been positive, that this vision was heading in the right direction. With this in mind, further engagement will be for further information and queries. In the following implementation stages, there will be further opportunities for community input into the detailed design.
The report has been separated into sections and can be read here:
Hudsons Road Streetscape MP Report(PDF, 10MB)
Hudsons Road Streetscape MP Appendix A - Existing Services(PDF, 7MB)
Hudsons Road Streetscape MP Appendix B Drainage Design Approach(PDF, 11MB)
Hudsons Road Streetscape MP Appendix Community Enagagement Report(PDF, 6MB)
Master Plan Vision
We envision the hive of activity spilling out onto the street and equally an increase in pedestrians benefitting the local businesses. Colour, greenery and points of interest along Hudsons Road will help realise the vision of a “vibrant village atmosphere centred around its local shopping precincts and open spaces” and truly transform the space into a place for people, capitalising on its unique identity.

Study of the existing character and context has resulted in a concept design to be used to guide future infrastructure and capital works projects that improve safety, drainage, amenity and presentation of the street in a cohesive manner. Urban design, transport planning, civil engineering works and landscape architecture components have been combined to create a holistic approach to the street, which should be readable on the ground and contribute to a pleasant experience at the centre of the town.
Next Steps
An implementation plan will be prepared to integrate the Streetscape Master Plan initiatives with the Spotswood Streets of People projects, planned drainage works, Green Line project and the future level crossing removal. This will ensure that capital works is undertaken incrementally and cohesively. The aim will be to minimise disturbance from ongoing construction works and to maximise improving the Spotswood public realm.
Hudsons Rd, Spotswood View Map
Hudsons Rd ,
Hudsons Road Spotswood Streetscape Master Plan
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