Reed Street, Spotswood - Streets for People


Council has been delivering several traffic calming projects around the Spotswood area as part of the Better Places – Streets for People Project. A recently completed action item as part of this project included The Avenue, east of Melbourne Road, Spotswood. The next action item emerging from the Streets for People project is local calming on Reed Street, Spotswood.

The project involves:

  • The construction of a raised platform at the intersection of Reed Street and Robert Street
  • A single lane slow point on Reed Street
  • Raised threshold treatment on Reed Street at the intersection of Melbourne Road
  • Local greening of the street by creating kerb outstands with tree planting


The treatments mentioned above were chosen as a result of the Better Places consultation process, which recognised the area's significant car dominance and the community's desire for streets to become more pedestrian or bike friendly. The project also entails reduction in parking spaces on Reed Street however, this reduction is deemed justified considering the benefits and scope of the project.

To view the concept plans of the treatments, click the below link:

Council welcomes feedback on the proposal. Any queries or feedback can be provided by contacting Marmik Bhavsar, Traffic and Transport Engineer on 9932 2074 or via email before Friday 23rd March 2024. 


Reed Street, Spotswood 3015  View Map

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