Hobsons Bay 360 #100: Making Seabrook and Altona Meadows even better
Ever wondered how Council could make Seabrook and Altona Meadows better places to live? That was the question behind the Better Places Seabrook and Altona Meadows Place Guide. After talking to locals across four stages of community consultations sessions, the guide was endorsed by Council on 12 September 2023.
Since then, Council’s Parks team has been busy putting the guide’s plan, which was formed by community ideas, into action. If you’ve been around Queen or Merton Streets in Altona Meadows lately, you might have noticed some exciting changes. There are new garden beds and vibrant, drought-resistance plants, which will add pops of colour all year round, that have been planted beneath the area’s infamous flower sculpture. The team has also spruced up five roundabouts along Merton Street with new plantings and fresh mulching.
Council’s Better Places approach is focused on looking at the bigger picture – improving entire areas rather than just individual spots. They are about making our community spaces more special and enjoyable for everyone.
To view the latest news about any of our Place Guides click here, or view the Seabrook and Altona Meadows Place Guide here.

a series of stories exploring all corners of Hobsons Bay.