Welcoming our Newest Citizens

5. CORP04211 - Hobsons Bay 360 - OC Tile - Story 5 - Citizenship.jpg

Hobsons Bay 360 #5: Welcoming our newest Citizens

Hobsons Bay City Council is honoured to have hosted over 100 people from over 30 different countries at Williamstown Town Hall on Friday 26 January, attending a Citizenship Ceremony.

In attendance were Members of Parliament, Mayor Councillor Matt Tyler, Councillors Tony Briffa and Peter Hemphill, and a representative from Victoria Police.

Hobsons Bay's long history of welcoming new citizens includes many ceremonies over the course of a year. In 2022, Cr Peter Hemphill proudly presided over six citizenship ceremonies. In 2023, Cr Briffa has presided over six citizenship ceremonies, assisting 674 people in acquiring their Australian citizenship by conferral at ceremonies conducted by Hobsons Bay City Council. As of February 2024, Mayor Cr Matt Tyler has presided over two ceremonies, welcoming over 200 new Australian citizens.

Under the Citizenship Act 1948, Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.

As a Council, we recognise the gravity of such an important aspect in the journey of many in Hobsons Bay and extend a warm welcome to all community members who have recently become citizens.

To view a list of upcoming ceremony dates, click here.

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a series of stories exploring all corners of Hobsons Bay.