Hobsons Bay 360 #99: Engaging young people with holiday activities
Hobsons Bay Youth Services provide a variety of services and supports for young people aged 12 to 25 years who live, work, study, or spend time within the municipality.
During the 2024 winter school holidays we were excited to host six activities for young people which included swimming, indoor sports, an op-shop tour, Japanese cooking workshop, music studio workshops, and an extended drop-in session.
Over 75 young people participated in activities tailored towards assisting young people in developing new skills and making friends in safe, supervised, and youth-friendly spaces.
The transition from childhood to adulthood is a time when young people are going through many big changes in their life. Our Youth Service programs promote the health and wellbeing of young people and support them to navigate the ups and downs of life.
Current programs available include our regular after-school drop-in session for 12 to 17-year-olds:
- Thursdays at Youth Services Newport, from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
- Mondays at Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre, Altona, from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.
Young people can subscribe to our News for YOUth for updates on what’s on for teens and young adults in Hobsons Bay.
For a full list of programs, activities and services including counselling, practical support, and employment workshops, click here.

a series of stories exploring all corners of Hobsons Bay.