Hobsons Bay 2030
The Community's Vision for Hobsons Bay

Hobsons Bay 2030 was developed by the community for the community and will guide Council’s work until 2030. It provides the first long term community vision for the municipality, along with six priorities for achieving that vision. It is based on evidence of current and future community needs and has been developed following an in-depth community consultation and engagement process.
Watch this short video for a brief overview of Hobsons Bay 2030
Over a six month period, we heard what our community loves about Hobsons Bay and how we can make it even better into the future. A representative sample of the community came together to shape the community’s many voices into a vision for 2030, finalising six priorities for how to get there.
There are six priorities that Hobsons Bay 2030 defined in this report. Hobsons Bay 2030 Community Vision(PDF, 43MB).
These priorities are:
- visionary, vibrant, accountable urban planning
- community wellbeing and inter-connection
- growth through innovation, access to local jobs, technology and education
- proactive enrichment, expansion and conservation of the natural and urban environment
- activate sustainable practices
- an accessible and connected community
Council sets out its work by developing a Council Plan every four years. Each Council Plan and Annual Action Plan will show how Council will work towards achieving the community’s vision until 2030.
But Council cannot do it alone. Council will also need the community and the Victorian Government to contribute, as well as many other stakeholders.
The Hobsons Bay 2030 community vision together with the Council Plan meet Council’s legislative requirement for an integrated Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (MPHWP), as per section 27 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.