Techno Park Drive update

Updated 12 December 2024

Council holds itself to the highest standards of governance, transparency and safety. Council's Public Transparency Policy can be viewed here

Council remains committed to providing a safe living and working environment for all and is taking all appropriate steps within the extent of Council’s role to ensure the health and safety of the Hobsons Bay community. 

Letters to people living at Techno Park

Following its letter of 5 April 2024, Council wrote to people living at Techno Park on 13 June 2024 advising it had paused taking any further planning enforcement action to allow time for people at Techno Park Drive to apply for a ‘Certificate of Compliance’ under section 97N of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, to establish existing use rights for residential uses.

Council has again written to people living at Techno Park on 7 December 2024, explaining that enforcement action remains paused until at least 2 May 2025 to allow people to apply for certificates to assess their existing use rights as a result of the February 2024 state changes to all planning schemes by the Minister for Planning.

The letters also explain to people living at Techno Park that there may be building law, emergency management and safety implications for their homes and provides details of how to get more information.

Our letters to the community continue to provide information about how to obtain hardship support and housing advice, among other services.

Letter to ExxonMobil

Council has also sent a letter to ExxonMobil asking that the company provides confirmation on safety matters, and current and future uses of the South Tank Farm, a major hazard facility that is immediately east of Techno Park. ExxonMobil has since responded to this letter on 21 June 2024. 

ExxonMobil is the operator of the hazard facility, which is regulated by state government agencies, including WorkSafe.

Joint letter to WorkSafe Victoria and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria

A joint letter has been sent to WorkSafe Victoria and the EPA and their ministers about the future safety of people living at Techno Park.

The joint letter to WorkSafe Victoria and the EPA asks that the agencies work with all community stakeholders to consider the current and future risks associated with Techno Park units being situated next to a major hazard facility and being used for residential purposes, and to provide any information about the safety of Techno Park residents. Both EPA and WorkSafe Victoria responded to Council's letter in August 2024. 

As the state government agencies that regulate safety and environmental protection in Victoria, Council wants to work closely with the EPA and WorkSafe, and all relevant agencies, on any next steps to ensure that people are safe.  

Letter to the planning minister

A letter has also been sent to the planning minister regarding a range of strategic and operational opportunities and concerns. 

The letter to the planning minister asks for more guidance and planning clarity about major hazard facilities and existing use rights, along with a range of other improvements and provides the Council endorsed submission to the emerging Plan for Victoria state strategy. 

Council is not the agency that governs major hazard facilities in Victoria, and is one of many government agencies involved in emergency management.