Young People Programs

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If you're in high school and aged between 12 and 17, our series of young people programs are for you!

We offer young people spaces to connect, get creative and grow lifelong learning skills. 

Our weekly programs are designed on a drop-in basis – no prior bookings are required. We hope to see as many young people attend our programs as possible, all are welcome!   

Watch this space for updates about our range of young people programs, from creative workshops, gaming nights, book chats, and more!

Sessions will resume from Monday 3 February and run until end of Term 1.

Please note that a responsible parent / carer should accompany participants while they are attending our programs. Parents / carers are responsible for participants' welfare as well as monitoring and regulating their behaviour.



Hobsons Bay Youth Services offers additional activities for young people aged 12-25 years. Click here for find out more: Young People - Hobsons Bay




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