Local Authors


Celebrate Local Talent: Become Part of Our Collection

Are you a local author from Hobsons Bay? We’re excited to showcase the creative talents of our community by including your work in our library collection.

Supporting Local Authors

We are proud to support and promote local talent by purchasing works authored or published by Hobsons Bay creators for inclusion in our collection. To make your work stand out, books by local authors will feature stickers identifying them as creations of the Hobsons Bay community.

These stickers not only celebrate your contribution but also enhance visibility, helping your work reach a broader audience across all our library branches.

How to Submit Your Work

Would you like to see your publication on our shelves? It’s easy! Simply complete the Suggest a Purchase form and be sure to mention that you are a local author.

Suggest a Purchase

We value the creativity and unique voices of our community and can’t wait to showcase your stories to our readers.