
If you are caught breaking the law for some offences, you will be issued with a penalty in the form of an infringement notice (a fine). 

Depending on the offence, you may receive an infringement:

  • on-the-spot by an issuing officer (if you are intercepted at the time of the offence)
  • attached to your vehicle
  • in the mail

If you do not deal with your infringement by the due date, the matter will become more serious and you will have to pay more in added costs.

The Infringements Act 2006 and the Fines Reform Act 2014 set the standard framework for how infringements are issued and enforced. 

Your Infringement Notice will include information about:

  • your offence
  • how much you owe
  • how you can pay
  • your options for dealing with the infringement
  • the infringement due date

Visit our online Customer Portal to pay or manage your infringement

When you manage your infringement online using the link on Council’s website you will be redirected to the Customer Portal.

Your options are: