
European red foxes are widespread in Victoria and have been present in inner Melbourne since the 1930s. They are typically shy and timid but have adapted to become an established part of suburbia. Foxes can be known to harass domestic animals, eat pet food, raid rubbish bins, defecate or dig in gardens, and chew infrastructure.

Foxes prey upon native and domesticated animals. A mature fox is capable of killing up to 3,000 animals a year including native wildlife, domestic fowl, livestock and pets. They can also spread parasites and diseases such as mange and distemper to domestic animals and pets. 

What to do if you spot a fox?

Reporting your fox sighting:

  • Report fox sightings on the Feralscan website.
  • Recordings will contribute to the collection of data on fox locations and hot spots, which will assist to inform the Australian Pest Animal Strategy. Please understand, reported fox sightings will not result in the control of or removal of a sighted fox in that area. 

Foxes on your own/neighbour's property:

  • It is the responsibility of the landowner to take all reasonable steps to prevent the spread of and control fox activity on their property. 
  • Possible controls/actions
  • Your property - Try using animal deterrent scents or installing movement sensor ultrasonic noise devices or a movement sensor water sprinkler. Otherwise, contact a pest controller to have the fox removed. Additional information can be found on Australian Pest Animal Strategy.
  • Your neighbour's property - Speak to the neighbour about your observations. Direct them to this page for information.

Preventing fox activity

It is more effective to eliminate the attraction to foxes to be around your property than trying to remove the foxes.

Foxes forage around rubbish bins, picnic sites and compost bins. They also feed on fruit, pet food left outside and are known to prey on small animals. 

Controlling fox activity

In urban areas, baiting, trapping and shooting foxes are not appropriate control methods as it is impossible to be sure that no other domestic animals or wildlife would be inadvertently affected. Baiting and shooting are prohibited due to the potential poisoning of domestic/wild animals and the risk associated with the possibility of shooting a person or domestic/wild animal in urban areas. Trapping is labour intensive and foxes will quickly re-invade from surrounding areas, therefore it is not a cost-effective or appropraite technique. Foxes are a highly mobile and well adapted species, making them difficult to control as they will re-invade an area soon after control efforts are taken.

Foxes are a declared pest

Foxes have been declared as established pest animals under the Catchment and Land Protection Act (1994). Under this law, you are legally responsible to take all reasonable steps to prevent the spread of, and as far as possible, remove foxes from your property.

Foxes are common in urban environments and they have a higher population density than in rural areas. They are highly mobile and can travel up to 10 – 15 km per night.

Foxes can have a number of dens or hiding places at different times during the day and may not regularly return to any one den. The dens may be under houses, sheds, outbuildings or in hollow logs, rock piles, drainpipes, car bodies, under vegetation patches. In fact, foxes may be living in your backyard or garage without you knowing it. They are nocturnal and most active during the evening and early morning. They are also timid and will flee when disturbed.

They are not associated with transmission of disease in humans and do not present a significant public health issue.

More information about foxes: