Pet Registration

You can now request this service in our new portal, which we're currently beta testing. To give it a try, visit My Hobsons Bay Hub.

All cats and dogs over the age of three months must be registered with Council. Registration renewals are due by 10 April each year. Penalties apply for failing to register or renew your pets registration.

Why do I need to register my pet? 

  • The law requires all owners to register cats and dogs over three months with their local council
  • Registering cats and dogs greatly improves their chances of being returned to the owner if they become lost
  • Registering your pet provides Council access to a rich source of information to assist the community more effectively. This allows them to respond to calls of dogs wandering at large, dog attacks, nuisance barking, cat trespassing, stray and feral cat colonies control of dangerous, menacing and restricted breed dogs; monitor pet shops, boarding facilities and breeding establishments; establishing and monitoring dog off leash areas; and monitoring parks and reserves to maintain a safe environment for all users.
  • A portion of the fee goes to State Government to fund research and education into responsible pet ownership.

 A fee applies for animal registration, however concessions are available for pension card holders. Once registered, you will be given a tag for your animal to wear at all times. If your pet gets lost, the tag will easily identify them and ensure their safe return. This tag can be used for the lifetime of the animal. If it is misplaced, a replacement will be issued. Contact Council on 1300 179 944 to request a replacement tag.

In line with state legislation, all animals must be microchipped when registered for the first time. This includes pets that are transferring from another Council.

Forms can be returned via email to along with payment details and supporting documentation.   

Registration Fees 

Current 2025 registration fee structure below. No further concessions apply.


Category Regular  Pensioner
Desexed & Microchipped $48 $24
Cat over 10 years old $48 $24
Cat kept for breeding at licensed premises $48 $24
Cat registered with and owner of a member of an approved assoc.  $48 $24
Cat not included in above $144 $72


Cat ownership

For more details on cat ownership, visit the following pages:

Who's for cats?

Cats as pets


Category Regular  Pensioner 
Desexed & microchipped $65 $32.50
Dog over 10 years old $65 $32.50
Dog kept for working stock $65 $32.50
Dog kept for breeding at licensed premises $65 $32.50
Dog registered with and owner a member of an approved assoc. $65 $32.50
Undergone obedience training with approved organisation $65 $32.50
Dog not included in above $195 $95
Declared Dangerous dog $195 $195
Declared Menacing dog $195 $195
Guard dog (non-residential premises) $195 $195
Restricted breed dog $195 $195


People eligible under the State Concessions Act 2004 (pension card, concession card, War Widows entitlements or TPI entitlements) are entitled to concession rate. This does not include a health care card.

If you are eligible for registration at the concession rate, Council must sight the original concession card or a copy to prove eligibility.

Note: A discount on registration applies to pet owners who desex and microchip their cat or dog. If a dog or cat is desexed or is deceased within the first six months of the registration year owners can apply for a partial refund.

No refunds apply for desexed or deceased animals after 10 October each year registration year. 

Transfer of Ownership

In order to transfer ownership of a pet from one person to another a Transfer of Ownership form must be completed and signed by both parties. It is the responsibility of the registered owner to maintain correct details on their account at all times. Transfer of ownership is only applicable to animals currently registered with Hobsons Bay City Council. To transfer from another municipality you will need to complete an application to register. 

Approved Associations 

Approved association members which are entitled to discount local council dog registration fees:

  • Australian National Cats Inc.
  • DOGS Victoria
  • Feline Control Council
  • Master Dog Breeders and Associates
  • The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy Australia and Victoria
  • Responsible Pet Breeders Australia

Approved obedience training organisations

The following organisations have been approved by the Minister for Agriculture as approved obedience training organisations in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 52 of the Domestic Animals Regulations. Dogs that have undergone obedience training which comply with the Regulations will receive a reduced registration fee with their Council:

  • Australian Association of Professional Dog Trainers Inc
  • The Kintala Dog Club Association Inc
  • Dogs Victoria
  • Four Paws K9 Training
  • Delta Institute 

Guard dogs (dangerous dogs)

A dog that is kept for the purpose of guarding non-residential premises is automatically a dangerous dog under the Domestic Animals Act 1994. This has effect throughout Victoria, and it cannot be revoked – the dog is a dangerous dog for life, even if it ceases to be used for the purpose of guarding non-residential premises.


For more information read Things you should know about Guard Dogs on non-residential properties


Domestic Animals Management Plan 2021-25

Council has adopted the Domestic Animals Management Plan for 2021-25. Key objectives of the Plan include:

  • promoting responsible pet ownership and the welfare of dogs and cats in the community
  • protecting the community and the environment from nuisance cats and dogs, within Council resources
  • identifying a method to evaluate whether the animal management services provided are adequate
  • outlining the training programs for authorised officers to ensure they are capable in administering and enforcing the provisions of the Act.