Snakes, Mynas, Bees & Wasps


In the warmer weather snakes may be found in public areas around Hobsons Bay, including in some parks and reserves. When snakes are in our reserves, please leave them alone, as in most cases they are in their natural habitat. If a snake is of concern to you, please call us on 1300 179 944.

Snakes in your backyard brochure(PDF, 1MB) This brochure tells you more about snakes, first aid, and what you can do to discourage snakes from your property.

It is illegal to harm or kill snakes in Victoria. To catch or keep snakes you must hold an appropriate license.

Hospitals with anti-venom

Please note it is important to ring the hospital prior to arriving to ensure this service is available.

Western Hospital
Furlong Road, Sunshine: 8345 1333
Gordon Street, Footscray: 8345 6666

Werribee Mercy Hospital
300 Princes Highway, Werribee: 9216 8888

First aid

  • if you are bitten by a snake remain calm and stay as still as possible
  • call Triple 000 or have someone do it for you
  • wrap a pressure bandage around the site of the wound (usually on a limb) until the bandage is finished. It must be from fingers or toes to shoulder or hip. If you run out of bandage, get another one and continue until you reach the end of the limb
  • if you do not have a bandage, apply continuous direct pressure to the wound site
  • immobilise the bandaged limb with splints if available
  • DO NOT try to catch the snake
  • DO NOT wash the wound or remove clothes
  • DO NOT move the patient
  • DO NOT remove the bandage or pressure until help arrives

For more information visit or free call 1300 360 455.

Bees and wasps

Bees swarm in spring when the temperature rises. They often form football sized hives in trees and shrubs. Occasionally, they land on fences, letterboxes and have even been known to cover parked cars.

While often confronting when they pass overhead, if left alone they pose little threat to the community and generally move on with a change in the weather.

Council officers are available to check hives, particularly if they are located in shopping centres, child care centres or in high pedestrian areas.

We can provide the following services for dealing with snakes, bees and wasps:

  • We can assist with snakes whether on public or private land. If a snake is on your property, in a reserve or on the roadside and is causing a concern to you, please contact 1300 179 944
  • We will remove bee hives and wasp nests on reserves and roadsides if there is a risk to community safety – please call 1300 179 944

You can now request this service in our new portal, which we're currently beta testing. To give it a try, visit My Hobsons Bay Hub.

Residents and landowners are responsible for dealing with bee hives or wasp nests on their own properties. Please contact a pest controller of your choice to take care of any problems with wasp nests. Alternatively for bees engage the services of a licensed apiarist registered with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. A helpline (honey bee swarm removal hotline) is operated by the Victorian Apiarists' Association. Information can be obtained by calling 0400 817 146 or emailing


Common Myna (often referred to as Indian Myna)

Globally, Common Mynas are widely recognised as a serious threat to biodiversity. For more information on the impacts and control measures for these birds please read our Common Myna fact sheet(PDF, 252KB).