Spotswood Heritage Amendment C137
Current status
At the Council meeting on 10 October 2023, Council resolved to adopt Amendment C137 and submit to the minister for planning for approval. The minutes from the meeting and related information can be found via this link.
The amendment has been submitted to the minister for planning for approval. If the minister approves the amendment the changes will come into effect once a notice has been published in the Victorian Government Gazette.
About the amendment
Amendment C137 seeks to implement the findings of the Spotswood Activity Centre Structure Plan Heritage Review by introducing new and revised heritage overlays into the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme (refer to figure 1 below for properties affected by the amendment).
The amendment adopted by Council on 10 October 2023 proposes to:
- include 113 additional properties in the existing HO30 Spotswood Residential Heritage Precinct
- revise the existing HO46 AGM Factory Complex (former), now referred to as Melbourne Glass Bottle Works, and remove HO153 Hugh Lennon Agricultural Implement Works to accurately reflect the extent of historic built fabric at the site
- introduce six new heritage overlays:
- update the schedule to clause 43.01 heritage overlay to reflect the proposed heritage overlay changes identified above and to include the existing incorporated heritage guidelines in clause 72.04
- amend planning overlay maps 4HO and 5HO to reflect new and revised heritage overlays identified above
- amend schedule to clause 72.04 (incorporated documents) to include statements of significance for new and revised heritage overlays
- amend schedule to clause 72.08 (background documents) to include reference to the review

Public exhibition for the Spotswood Heritage Amendment C137 occurred between 23 February 2023 and 6 April 2023. A total of 38 submissions were received. We have reviewed and considered all submissions received and formally requested an independent planning panel appointed by the minister for planning to consider the relevant submissions.
Planning panel
A directions hearing was held on 30 June 2023 and the planning panel hearing was held on 24 July 2023.
The panel released a written report on 21 August 2023 with recommendations on how to proceed with the amendment in response to submissions.
On 10 October 2023, Council resolved to adopt the amendment including the changes recommended by the planning panel.
Indicative timeline for amendment process
Interim heritage overlays
Council resolved on 13 December 2022, to request that the minister for planning prepare and approve an amendment to apply interim heritage overlays to properties with potential heritage values in Spotswood.
The interim overlays aim to ensure appropriate protection of heritage properties until permanent controls can be implemented via C137. If approved by the minister, the interim overlays would be effective in the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme immediately.
The interim overlays are required to safeguard heritage from development pressure until the minister determines whether to approve Amendment C137.
Relevant Documents
Spotswood Activity Centre Structure Plan Heritage Review (September 2023)(PDF, 25MB)
C137 amendment documents (adopted October 2023)(PDF, 10MB)
Planning panel report (August 2023)(PDF, 4MB)