Amendment C114 - Precinct 16 West, South Kingsville
About the amendment
Amendment C114 rezoned industrial land at 5-7 Sutton Street, 9-9A Sutton Street and 41-59 Stephenson Street, South Kingsville from an industrial to a residential zone.

The site is identified as the western half of Precinct 16 within the Hobsons Bay Industrial Land Management Strategy (ILMS) 2008 and is a proposed Strategic Redevelopment Area (SRA).
The Amendment came into effect on 9 February 2023 when a notice was published in the Victorian Government Gazette. The Amendment updates the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme to:
- rezone land from Industrial 3 Zone (IN3Z) and part General Residential Zone to General Residential Zone - Schedule 10 (GRZ10) and Residential Growth Zone - Schedule 2 (RGZ2)
- apply a Development Plan Overlay - Schedule 2 (DPO2)
- apply an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to areas not covered by an EAO
- remove Heritage Overlay HO274 from part of 41-59 Stephenson Street as a permit has been issued for demolition and buildings have been removed
- amend Clause 53.01 to introduce a 5 per cent public open space requirement
The above documents have now been incorporated into the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme which can be viewed via the Department of Transport and Planning Website.
You can view the full set of amendment documents and the amendment background via the Amendments page on the Department of Transport and Planning website.
Next Steps
Council will now assess two planning permit applications for subdivision that were submitted with the Amendment to ensure title boundaries align with new zoning boundaries.
Before a permit can be issued for development, Development Plans must be approved by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 2.
Two Development Plans were provided as part of the Planning Scheme Amendment process and considered by the Planning Panel and Advisory Committee against the draft schedule to the DPO (DPO2).
Once Development Plans are approved planning permits can be issued for development without further public notice if they are generally aligned with the Development Plans.
Amendment C114 was exhibited from 28 July to 9 September 2021. A total of 34 submissions were received.
A Planning Panel and Advisory Committee was appointed to consider submissions to the Amendment and the submitted Development Plans.
A joint Planning Panel and Advisory Committee Hearing was held online via video conference and ran for a total of 9 days from Monday 13 December 2021 to Thursday 23 December 2021.
The Panel found that overall, the Amendment was well founded and strategically justified and should proceed subject to addressing the specific issues detailed within the Panel report. The Advisory Committee also made some recommendations to update the Development Plans to be in line with the DPO2 provisions.
At the Council Meeting of 31 May 2022 Council resolved to adopt the Amendment subject to minor changes and submit this Amendment to the Minister for Planning for approval. The minutes from the Council Meeting and relevant attachments can be found via this link.
Planning process