Anomalies Amendment C134

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The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C134hbay to the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme. 

The amendment came into effect on 25 January 2024 when a notice was published in the Victoria Government Gazette.

The amendment corrects mapping and text anomalies to ensure the ongoing accuracy of the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme. 

The anomalies amendment makes the following changes:

  • rezone 10 Council owned reserves to Public Park and Recreation Zone to ensure they are appropriately identified in the planning scheme (the existing use and public access will remain the same)
  • rezone private land parcels to reflect the underlying use and private ownership
  • apply the correct schedule to the heritage overlay for private land at 51 Cole Street, Williamstown
  • update text in the Schedule 4 to the Special Use Zone and Schedule 2 to the Comprehensive Development Zone to be consistent with the latest state and local policies
  • update references to the Social Impact Assessment Guidelines to align with the updated 2022 guidelines.

A copy of the approved amendment documentation is available for viewing at the Department of Transport and Planning website.