VicSmart Applications

VicSmart - a fast planning permit process for straightforward applications.

VicSmart is a streamlined assessment process for straightforward planning permit applications. Classes of application are identified in the planning scheme as being VicSmart and have specified requirements for information, assessment processes and decision guidelines. Please contact us to discuss your proposal’s eligibility for VicSmart processing prior to submitting your application.

Key features of VicSmart include:

  • A 10 business day permit process
  • Applications are not advertised

Find out more about VicSmart planning assessments here - VicSmart permits.

What categories of application are suitable for VicSmart processing?

Below is a list of proposals that are eligible for VicSmart, including those implemented by the State Government in March 2017. The VicSmart clauses provide minimum application requirements that must be submitted when making an application, its important that you make sure you submit all the required information.

 It's also important that you check both the zone and the overlay, together with the Advertising Signage and Car Parking provisions (if applicable) to see if there are any other permit requirements. A proposal may be exempt under one class of application, however trigger a permit under a separate part of the Planning Scheme.