Rates Explained

Rates fund a range of vital community services and capital works projects. To view a breakdown of how rates are spent view our Budget at a Glance brochure(PDF, 453KB).

Rates and revaluations

A revaluation occurred in January 2023 and is used to determine rates in the 2023/24 financial year. 

Council has increased the average rate by 3.5 per cent, in line with the Rate Cap.

Rate capping overview video

To find out more about how rate capping works watch this video from the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) below.


Rate capping FAQs

The MAV explains how rate capping works. The Victorian Government has introduced a new rate cap system that restricts how much councils can collect in rates.

How does rate capping work?

A council’s overall rate revenue must not be more than the rate cap from last year.

Will my rates go up by the rate cap?

The rate cap does not apply to individual rates notices. The overall rate revenue collected by a council cannot exceed the rate cap, but how much each property owner pays is determined by the value of your property. The Victorian Government also excluded waste charges and the State’s fire services property levy from the rate cap.

Do councils get more money when property values go up?

No. All properties were revalued on January the 1st, but councils do not receive extra money when property values rise. Some ratepayers will pay less than the rate cap and others will pay more, but the overall general rates collected by a council won't exceed the rate cap, unless they were granted an exemption.

How are council rates set?

Each council takes the total rate revenue to be collected and divides it by the total value of all properties in its municipality to calculate the rate in the dollar. This ensures councils do not receive more money when property values rise. The rate in the dollar is then multiplied by the market value of each property to ensure each ratepayer contributes a fair share. Council will add its municipal charge - if it has one - which is also included in the rate cap. Waste charges and your fire services property levy are then added to your general rates notice to determine the total amount you will pay.

What do my rates pay for?

Almost everything you see from your front gate is provided by councils. From the footpath, street lights, roads and bins to the parks, gardens, sports facilities and child care centres. They remove your waste, provide free libraries, immunise babies and deliver meals to the homes of older people.

Councils collect 3.6 per cent of all taxes nationally. Your rates help to fund more than 100 valued community services and local infrastructure for the whole community to enjoy.


If you do not agree with the valuation or the rate amount, you may lodge an objection.  

To submit a formal objection through the online portal, please open the following link in Google Chrome 
ratingvaluationobjections.vic.gov.au/ or click here. You can also object to your land classification code, which may also affect the FSPL. Please note that your objection must be lodged within two months of receiving the annual rates notice.


Reading your rates

Rates are calculated based on property valuations and in accordance with Council’s Rating Strategy 2023/24 and the Local Government Act 1989. The value of your property is listed on your rates notice as capital improved value (CIV). The residential rate in the dollar this year is set at 0.201839 cents. Multiplying these two figures will give you your rates charge. 

For example, the calculation for a residential property worth $750,000 would be:

Capital Improved Value $750,000 x Rate in dollar 0.00201839 = $1,513.79

Plus Waste Service Charge   = $295.10

Total Rates and Charges        = $1,808.89

There is a separate amount listed for the Fire Service Property Levy (FSPL). The reformed FSPL, collected with council rates, will incorporate a fixed charge component of $125.00 for residential properties and $254.00 for all other properties plus a charge based on the capital improved value (CIV) of the property.

The state government has created an online calculator to determine the levy based on the CIV of properties. The CIV is found on your rates notice. To view the calculator, and for more information, visit www.firelevy.vic.gov.au


Paying your rates

The payment of rates is required in four instalments:

30 September 2023

30 November 2023

28 February 2024

31 May 2024

The instalment amounts are listed on your rates notice. If you make a payment of the full amount on the first instalment date, no further notices will be issued until the 2024/25 financial year. All payment options are listed on your rates notice and include credit card, BPAY, Post Billpay, direct debit , EFTPOS, cash and cheque.