Food Organics & Garden Organics Waste (Green Bin)

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Your green bin for food and garden waste is collected fortnightly.

Use your green bin to turn your food and garden waste into something valuable – compost.

Using the green bin for food and garden waste will divert 8,000 tonnes of waste per year from landfill.

By simply putting food waste in the green bin, instead of the rubbish bin, you can make a big difference. Food and garden materials from the green bin are composted. Composting decomposes food and garden organics using oxygen, which prevents the release of harmful gases and creates useful material, like compost and mulch.


Residents are reminded to only use Council-provided green bins, with the Hobsons Bay logo on the front and the light-green lid. This helps the right truck collect the right bin every time.

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Items accepted in your food and garden light green bin:
(To search a full list of items and find which bin it goes in, click here.)

Meat and bones (cooked and raw)




Dairy (such as butter, cheese, yoghurt – no packaging)


Vegetables (cooked and raw)

Onions, garlic





Tea, loose

Coffee grounds, no pods

NB: Food waste includes any raw or cooked produce you can eat. Food waste can be wrapped in a single sheet of newspaper or paper towel (newspaper or paper towels on their own CANNOT go in this bin).

Garden clippings (including branches & twigs)

Grass cuttings (including weeds and flowers)


Small branches (under 30cm)

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Join the Compost Revolution

Hobsons Bay residents can now choose from six different at-home composting products – one to suit all households – and claim a discount of up to 50 per cent, with free delivery.

When managed correctly, at-home composting is a low odour solution to managing food waste and provides you with nutrient-rich compost to use on your garden.

To find a system that suits you and for more information, see Compost & worm farms.  

Missed collection?

If your bin has not been emptied, please contact Council on 1300 179 944 or complete the Missed bin collection online form.

Lost, damaged and stolen bins

Council will replace or repair your recycling bin if it has undergone normal wear and tear, or if it has been stolen. A Statutory Declaration may be required.

If you have lost your bin or it's has been stolen or damaged, please contact Council on 1300 179 944 or Report a damaged or missing bin.