National Recycling Week - Poster Competition



Get involved in National Recycling Week by entering our primary school poster competition with up to $500 in gift vouchers to be won! 

Hobsons Bay students from Prep to Year 6 are invited to create a poster that aligns with the 2024 National Recycling Week theme: Let’s all become better at recycling and managing our rubbish. 

A $100 gift voucher will be awarded to one student in each year level (Prep to Grade 6), plus every student entry goes into the draw to win $500 for their school to go towards an environmental project.

Posters can be in any medium (e.g. drawing, painting, mixed media) however it must be able to be clearly photographed and submitted digitally – more information below.  

For teachers and educators, this is an engaging activity for the classroom in the lead up to National Recycling Week.

For families, this is a meaningful way to involve children in environmental discussions and put them in the running to win a $100 gift voucher!

For schools, this is a wonderful way to improve recycling awareness in your school community and to go in the draw to win $500 towards an environmental project! 

Categories for poster entries

  • Prep
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6


  • A student from each year level will win a $100 gift voucher to spend at a business in Hobsons Bay (see terms and conditions for restrictions)   

  • Every student entry also goes into the draw for their school. More entries mean more chances for your school to win a $500 voucher towards a school environmental project (e.g. $500 of trees for planting).  

Key dates

Entries open Monday 9 September 2024 and close Friday 8 November 2024, with winners to be announced during National Recycling Week (11-17 November 2024).

Entry conditions

  • Poster size must be A4 or A3 and able to be photographed or scanned for digital upload.
  • Any medium, from paper to digital can be used.
  • Any art material and digital technology can be used, including paint, markers, crayons, coloured pencils, collage materials, original photographs and digital graphics.
  • Image files should be in JPG, PDF or PNG formats.
  • Uploaded files are limited to 250MB.
  • Each student can only enter once.

Tips for uploading a poster

  • Please ensure only high resolution, high quality images are submitted.
  • Image files should be in .JPG, .PDF or .PNG formats.
  • Uploaded files are limited to 250MB. 
  • Original posters can either be scanned or photographed.
  • Remember if taking a photo, please ensure a clear, non-blurred image is taken. Think about:
    • good lighting (natural light is best)
    • ensuring the poster fills the entire screen, an overhead shot is often best as you are standing above the poster, looking down
    • avoiding flash


Entries will be assessed with consideration to: 

  • how well the poster communicates the 2024 National Recycling Week message: Let’s all become better at recycling and managing our rubbish 

  • how eye-catching the poster is 

  • how well the poster uses innovative imagery, design or concepts 

Judging will be completed by an internal Hobsons Bay Council judging panel. 

To enter

Once you are ready to submit your poster, go to the poster competition submission page.

Terms and Conditions of Entry  

Entry into the competition means you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.  

1. The Promoter is Hobsons Bay City Council.  

2. Employees and Councillors of Hobsons Bay City Council are not eligible to enter.  

3. The competition period commences on Monday 9 September 2024 at 9am and closes on Monday 4 November 2024 at 6pm (AEST).  

4. Entrants can only enter via an online form. Only one entry per student is permitted. To enter the competition you must: 

  • Access the submission form via the National Recycling Week 2024 poster competition webpage during the competition period  
  • Upload the poster  
  • Provide: 
    • The name of your school 
    • Your name 
    • Your year level 
    • A contact email 
    • A contact phone number  

5. The aim of the competition is to select and reward how well the poster communicates the National Recycling Week message, which is: Let's all become better at recycling and managing our rubbish. Chance plays no part in determining the winner. Each valid entry will be individually judged based on creativity and originality as determined by the judges. The best valid entry for each category, as determined by the judges, will be the winner of the prize.  

6. All entries will be judged on or around Tuesday 12 November 2024 by the Promoter’s staff. The winner will be notified by Friday 15 November 2024. The winner will be notified of their prize via the school in writing by email and phone. The entry may be featured on the Promoter's social media and next edition of the community magazine.  

7. The prize is a:  

  • $100 gift voucher for the winner of each year level. The winner can select a Hobsons Bay business for a voucher. The voucher cannot be spent on products or activities that are restricted to minors e.g. tobacco, liquor, gambling  

  • Every student poster submission is an entry into a prize draw for a school prize  

  • A school prize of $500 to go towards a sustainability initiative  

8. The prize is not redeemable for cash, nor is the prize transferable or exchangeable. The voucher will be addressed in the name you provide with your competition entry ("Entry")   

9. Once prize has been collected by the winner from the Promoter’s premises, the Promoter takes no responsibility for prizes lost or stolen.  

10. If, after making all reasonable attempts, the Promoter cannot contact the winner or if the winner does not claim the prize within the claim period, the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, select the entrant with the next best entry as the winner or retain the unclaimed prize.  

11. To claim the prize, the winner must arrange to pick up the prize at their nearest Council+ centre (local library or Civic Centre) within 14 days from the date the Promoter notifies the winner.  

12. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entries and to disqualify any entry which, in the opinion of Promoter, includes objectionable or adult content, profanity, potentially insulting, inflammatory or defamatory statements, disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Entry or who has, in the opinion of Promoter, engaged in conduct in entering the promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the promotion and/or Promoter. This is a family friendly competition.  

13. Entries must be received by 6pm (AEST) on Monday 4 November 2024. The time of entry will be based on the time it is received at Hobsons Bay City Council. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries due to technical disruptions, network congestion or for any other reason.  

14. By accepting the winning prize, the winner agrees to their written entry and first name being published and used across Hobsons Bay City Council’s website, including on its Hobsons Bay magazine webpage and social media pages.  

15. By entering this competition you consent to having your school name, first name of student and poster submitted displayed on the Promoter's social media pages, magazine and other online and media materials for the purpose of promoting this competition. Your personal contact information will not be made public.  

16. The Judge’s decision is final and neither the Promoter nor the Judges will enter into correspondence regarding the competition result.   

Privacy Collection Statement

Hobsons Bay City Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information provided by you online in this form will be used by Council for the purposes of the competition. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. You have a right to access your personal information and make corrections. If you have any queries or wish to gain access to amend your information please contact Council’s Privacy Officer on 9932 1047.

Questions? Contact us at