Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that supports communities to refuse single-use plastic every day.

It’s not about boycotting plastic altogether – it can be as simple as just choosing one item to avoid.

Taking the challenge will help you find great alternatives that can become new habits forever. It might seem like a small step, but when 140 million people take a step together, it gets noticed. Plastic Free July participants make a big difference by stopping around 300 million kg of plastic polluting the world each year!

Take the challenge

What single-use plastic will you choose to refuse this July? Take the challenge and browse through the official Plastic Free July website for inspiration.

Hobsons Bay City Council is taking the challenge, and planning community events throughout July. 

Plastic Free July event program

Click the links to learn more about our upcoming Plastic Free July events! 

2 July: DIY Makeup Remover Pads + Beeswax Wraps Workshop at Altona Meadows Library

5 July: From Seed to Flower - Zine Making Workshop at Woods Street Arts Space

12 July: DIY Beeswax Candles + Bathing Gifts Workshop at Woods Street Arts Space

15 July: Plastic Free July themed Monday Makerspace at Altona Meadows Library 

17 July: Throwing a plastic-free party with author Dr Kate Luckins at Altona Library 

22 July: Plastic Free July themed Monday Makerspace at Altona Meadows Library 

23 July: Morning Makerspace at Altona Meadows Library 

25 July: Documentary Screening: Peleton Against Plastic at Altona Library 

26 July: Plastic Free July themed STEAM Club at Altona Meadows Library 

29 July: Plastic Free July themed Monday Makerspace at Altona Meadows Library 

Spotlight on Plastic Free July businesses 

Some Hobsons Bay businesses have taken the plastic free challenge this July by committing to at least one waste reduction action for the month. Read about some of the businesses below, or keep your eyes peeled for a 'Plastic Free Business' poster in local shop windows. 

Capiz Bistro - 147 Nelson Place, Williamstown 
To demonstrate their dedication to Plastic Free July, Capiz Bistro is offering a discount to any customer who brings their own reusable mug for take-away coffees. 

Subway - 306-308 Melbourne Road, Newport 
Subway Newport is encouraging their customers to BYO containers to cut down on unnecessary packaging when picking up take-away. They are also offering a discount to any customer who brings their own reusable mug for take-away coffees.

Portside Dental - 342 Melbourne Road, Newport
Since plastic is unavoidable in sanitary settings like dental studios, Portside Dental has decided to take a unique approach to Plastic Free July. They have engaged an external company to collect all of their soft plastics, recycling them into oil instead of sending them to landfill. 

Want to join these businesses? Click here to learn about becoming a plastic free business.