
Abandoned Vehicle Abandoned vehicles

Council can remove and impound any unregistered or derelict or abandoned vehicle that is parked on a road or on Council land. These vehicles can be impounded immediately, although in most situations a notice will be attached to the vehicle giving the owner either 48 hours or seven days to remove the vehicle from the road.

Registered vehicles that have been damaged and are deemed dangerous may also be impounded.

To report an abandoned vehicle please call Council on 1300 179 944.

Trail bikes and recreation vehicles

These vehicles are not permitted in public spaces, along creeks or in reserves. They are noisy and damage the environment.

You can report the use of trail bikes and recreation vehicles on the hoon and trail bike hotline.

More information is available in the Recreation Vehicles Local Law(PDF, 92KB).       


It is an offence to park or keep a heavy vehicle with a gross vehicle mass of 4.5 tonnes or more, or 7.5 metres in length, on a residential premise without a permit.

Trucks and trailers over either of the above limits are not permitted to park in built up areas for longer than a one hour period.

Download the truck permit application form(PDF, 590KB) .