Mass Planting Sites

Hobsons Bay currently has multiple open space areas that are very low on canopy and primarily comprise low quality vegetation and weeds. These locations have been identified as a key canopy enhancement opportunity in Section 4.1 of Council’s Canopy Delivery Plan, 2022.

These parcels of land have capacity to be mass planted out with trees. Many exist along waterways and adjacent to areas containing high quality ecological vegetation and therefore will be planted out with species from the relevant local Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs).

The transformation of these grassed/weedy sites to native garden beds will greatly improve the biodiversity values at these locations.

The plantings in these areas will comprise tube stock species, planted into mulched garden beds. The garden beds require adequate weed control prior to being mulched and for some time after being planted out. Where feasible, the beds will be excluded with rabbit proof fencing to remove the requirement for stakes and guards.

The plantings will be adequately spaced, to allow for the species to reach their potential, without the requirement for intensive management or ‘thinning out’, as the trees become established.

Since 2022, we have planted 45,000 tubestock plants in the below locations:

  • Pines Scout Camp Road, Altona
  • Altona Coastal Park, Altona
  • Doug Grant Reserve, Altona
  • Truganina Park, Altona Meadows
  • Cherry Lake, Altona
  • Kororoit Creek Trail, Altona
  • Altona Green Primary School, Altona
  • AB Shaw Reserve, Laverton
  • Altona Coastal Park, Altona
  • Laverton Creek, Laverton
  • PA Burns Reserve, Altona
  • The Buffer Mound, Altona
  • Truganina Park, Altona Meadows

In 2024, we planted an additional 5,000 in the below areas:

  • A B Shaw Reserve, 50 Hall Avenue Altona, Meadows 
  • H D Graham Reserve, 290 Queen Street, Altona Meadows
  • Doug Grant Reserve, 274 Queen Street, Altona

The below interactive map includes the locations of the key planting sites. Click on each bed to see which species are planned for each location.

Interactive mass planting sites map 

Planning is underway for further tube stock planting sites for 2025

Species palette

The following native, local provenance, species are currently being grown by one of Melbourne’s leading indigenous plant nurseries for this project.

  • Acacia implexa (Lightwood)
  • Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood)
  • Allocasuarina verticillate (Drooping she-oak)
  • Banksia marginata (Silver Banksia)
  • Bursaria spinosa (Sweet Bursaria)
  • Dodonaea viscosa (Hopbush)
  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Pt. Cook) (River Red Gum)
  • Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box)
  • Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box)
  • Melaleuca lanceolata (Moonah)
  • Melicytus dentatus (Tree Violet)

Project timeline

  1. January / February - Project planning (Site and species selection)
  2. February / March - Weed control             
  3. March / April - Mulching              
  4. June / July - Planting       

Weed control information

Weed control will take place prior to the beds being mulched out. The any risks associated with the herbicide use will be minimised as the herbicide will be applied by experienced contractors, as directed on the label. Through applying herbicide and by mulching out the beds, we anticipate a reduced ongoing requirement for having to apply weed control, as the mulch and revegetation will act as natural weed suppressants.


Many open space areas in Hobsons Bay provide a home to a diverse range of ecosystems that provide habitat to an impressive range of flora and fauna, including many rare and threatened species. For more information about how our conservation areas are managed, please visit our conservation webpage.